Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Facebook Still Sucks

I'd like to provide more content for the adventurous few humans who dare to embrace factuality in these dark days, where a malign fantasy shabbily woven in stark black-and-white by vicious, xenophobic boneheads is waved before an audience eager to pretend it's the World. Bleah, fuck those guys. But be careful not to let your loathing for the ignorant brutes burning America down even as they dismantle it to sell the parts distract you from the fact that fuck Facebook, too. I'd like to put more stuff up, but anything over there is only seen by a fraction of the kind folks who have asked to see it unless I fork over money, while businesses give money to Facebook to show crap to people who didn't ask to see it. Plus I have to hide behind a fake human identity, which is just annoying, philosophically speaking.
   Thus, future factual musings will go here, while of course everything relating to the FROSCHL will be on its page. Plus I'll share to Facebook to try to lure people over here.

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